Josef Jireček, ‘Z rukopisův kláštera Vyšnobrodského’, in Časopis Musea království Českého, 59, 3 (1885), 563–572 at 565–572.
Raphael Pavel, ‘Beschreibung der im Stifte Hohenfurt befindlichen Handschriften’, in Xenia Bernardina, pt. 2, vol. 2 (1891), 165–461 at 250–252.
Zdeněk Nejedlý, Počátky husitského zpěvu (Praha, 1907), 239–240; 2nd edn. Dějiny husitského zpěvu 3 (Praha, 1955), 122–124.
Eva Pokorná, Latinské písně vyšebrodského rukopisu č. 42 (M.A., Charles University, Prague, 1970).
Die Hohenfurther Liederhandschrift (H 42) von 1410, ed. Hans Rothe, Bausteine zur Geschichte der Literatur bei den Slaven, 21 (Köln/Wien, 1984).
Charles E. Brewer, ‘The Antiphon Cycle from the Canticum Canticorum in Vyšší Brod, 1 VB 42’, in László Dobszay (ed.), Cantus Planus. Papers Read at the 9th Meeting Esztergom & Visegrád, 1998 (Budapest, 2001), 97–118.
Stefan Rosmer, Der Mönch von Salzburg und das lateinische Lied (Wiesbaden, 2019), 112–116.
Jan Ciglbauer, ‘The Scribe(s), Genesis, and Use of the Manuscript Vyšší Brod 42’ [forthcoming]
Lenka Hlávková and Pavel Kodýtek, ‘Manuscript Vyšší Brod 42 as an Outset of a New Perspective on the Tradition of Late Medieval cantiones’ [forthcoming]
Hana Vlhová-Wörner, ‘Secundum morem nostrum and secundum morem secularem: the liturgical repertory in the manuscript Vyšší Brod [Hohenfurt] 42 from 1410’ [forthcoming]
ID | Fol. | Title | Use | Status | Text | Melody |
3 | Front cover, inside | Przedobrze rozumyem tomu Předobře rozumím tomu | Rubric: Cantus genre: Cantus Feast: | Integrity of record: Complete Extent of text: Complete Extent of notation: None (text-only) | Předobře rozumiem tomu | |
4 | Front cover, inside | Tworcze myly w tu nadyegy Tvorče milý v tu naději | Rubric: Cantus genre: Cantus Feast: | Integrity of record: Complete Extent of text: Complete Extent of notation: None (text-only) | Tvorče milý | |
62 | Dv | Ascensus regine cunctisque celestine Ascensus reginae cunctisque caelestine | Rubric: Cantus genre: Cantus Feast: De BMV | Integrity of record: Fragmentary Extent of text: Uncertain Extent of notation: None (text-only) | Ascensus reginae | |
53 | Er | Wstal gest buoh z mrtwych swu moczy Vstal jest Bůh z mrtvých svú mocí | Rubric: de Resurreccione Cantus genre: Cn Cantus Feast: Dom. Resurrectionis | Integrity of record: Complete Extent of text: Complete Extent of notation: None (text-only) | Vstal jest buoh z mrtvých | Stupefactus inferni dux |
54 | Ev | Gezu krysste styedry knyeze Jezu Kriste štědrý kněže | Rubric: Stara pyesen a dobra od nyezto gsu odpussczy Cantus genre: Cn Cantus Feast: | Integrity of record: Complete Extent of text: Complete Extent of notation: None (text-only) | Jezu Kriste ščědrý kněže | Jezu Kriste ščedrý kněže |
55 | Fr | Hodie Christus nasci voluit Hodie Christus nasci voluit | Rubric: Cancio in Nativitate Christi ad primam missam ante introitum cantetur Cantus genre: Conductus Cantus Feast: Nativitas Domini | Integrity of record: Complete Extent of text: Complete Extent of notation: None (text-only) | Hodie Christus nasci voluit | |
56 | Fr | Laus domino resonet Laus domino resonet | Rubric: Cantus genre: BD Cantus Feast: In tempore Nat. | Integrity of record: Complete Extent of text: Complete Extent of notation: One stanza notated | Laus domino resonet | Laus domino resonet |
57 | Fv | Salve regina glorie emundatrix Salve regina gloriae emundatrix | Rubric: Cantus genre: Cn Cantus Feast: De BMV, In tempore Adventus | Integrity of record: Complete Extent of text: Complete Extent of notation: None (text-only) | Salve regina gloriae emundatrix | Salve regina gloriae emundatrix (CZ-Pu VI C 20a), Salve regina gloriae emundatrix (CZ-Pn XII F 14) |
58 | Gr | Nunc festum celebremus Nunc festum celebremus | Rubric: Cantus genre: Cn Cantus Feast: Catharinae | Integrity of record: Fragmentary Extent of text: Partial Extent of notation: None (text-only) | Nunc festum celebremus | Nunc festum celebremus |
71 | Gr | Imperatrix gloriosa plena | Rubric: Cantus genre: Cn Cantus Feast: De BMV | Integrity of record: Complete Extent of text: Complete Extent of notation: None (text-only) | Imperatrix gloriosa plena | Imperatrix gloriosa plena (CZ-Pn XII F 14) |
59 | Gr | Ad honorem et decorem matris domini Ad honorem et decorem matris domini | Rubric: Cantus genre: Cn Cantus Feast: De BMV | Integrity of record: Complete Extent of text: Complete Extent of notation: None (text-only) | Ad honorem et decorem matris domini | Ad honorem et decorem matris domini |
60 | Gv | Iohannes dei gracia speculum castitatis Ioannes dei gratia speculum castitatis; Joannes, Johannes | Rubric: Cantus genre: BD Cantus Feast: Johannis Evangelistae | Integrity of record: Complete Extent of text: Complete Extent of notation: None (text-only) | Ioannes dei gratia | |
61 | Gv | Quidam triplo metro Quidam triplo metro | Rubric: Sequitur alia cancio Cantus genre: Cantus Feast: De BMV | Integrity of record: Complete Extent of text: Complete Extent of notation: None (text-only) | Quidam triplo metro | Quidam triplo metro |
72 | 53v–59r | Dies est leticie in ortu Dies est laetitiae in ortu | Rubric: Cantus genre: Tp Cantus Feast: In tempore Nat. | Integrity of record: Complete Extent of text: Complete Extent of notation: Fully notated | Dies est laetitiae in ortu | Dies est laetitiae |
226 | 89r–90v | Alleluia Ave benedicta Maria | Rubric: Sequitur aliud summum de beata virgine Cantus genre: AlV Cantus Feast: De BMV | Integrity of record: Complete Extent of text: Complete Extent of notation: Fully notated | Ave benedicta Maria | Alleluia Ave benedicta Maria, O Maria caeli via |
63 | 143v | Iam prestolantes gloriam Iam praestolantes gloriam | Rubric: Cantus genre: Cn Cantus Feast: In tempore Nat. | Integrity of record: Fragmentary Extent of text: Partial Extent of notation: None (text-only) | Iam praestolantes gloriam | Iam praestolantes gloriam |
64 | 144r–144v | Regina celi letare Regina caeli laetare | Rubric: Cantus genre: A Cantus Feast: In tempore Paschae | Integrity of record: Complete Extent of text: Complete Extent of notation: Fully notated | Regina caeli laetare | Regina caeli laetare |
1 | 145r | Ave yerarchia Ave hierarchia | Rubric: In Adventu ad missam Rorate Cantus genre: Cn Cantus Feast: De BMV, In tempore Adventus | Integrity of record: Complete Extent of text: Complete Extent of notation: One stanza notated | Ave hierarchia | Ave hierarchia |
2 | 145v–146r | Mittitur archangelus fidelis | Rubric: de Annuncciacione Cantus genre: Cn Cantus Feast: Annuntiatio Mariae | Integrity of record: Complete Extent of text: Complete Extent of notation: One stanza notated | Mittitur archangelus fidelis | Mittitur archangelus fidelis |
8 | 146r–147r | Candens ebur castitatis | Rubric: de beata virgine quando placzet Cantus genre: Cn Cantus Feast: De BMV | Integrity of record: Complete Extent of text: Complete Extent of notation: One stanza notated | Candens ebur castitatis | Candens ebur castitatis |
9 | 147r | Gaude regina glorie Gaude regina gloriae | Rubric: de Assumpcione Cantus genre: Cn Cantus Feast: Assumptio Mariae | Integrity of record: Complete Extent of text: Uncertain Extent of notation: One stanza notated | Gaude regina gloriae | Gaude regina gloriae |
11 | 147v–148r | En etas iam aurea En aetas iam aurea | Rubric: De Assumpcione Cantus genre: Cn Cantus Feast: Assumptio Mariae, In tempore Nat. | Integrity of record: Complete Extent of text: Uncertain Extent of notation: Partially notated | En aetas iam aurea | En aetas iam aurea |
12 | 148r–148v | Ave maris stella lucens miseris | Rubric: de beata virgine tempore nativitatis christi Cantus genre: Cn Cantus Feast: De BMV, In tempore Nat. | Integrity of record: Complete Extent of text: Complete Extent of notation: One stanza notated | Ave maris stella lucens miseris | Ave maris stella lucens miseris |
13 | 148v–149r | Ave rosa in yericho Ave rosa in Jericho | Rubric: de beata virgine quando placzet Cantus genre: Cn Cantus Feast: De BMV | Integrity of record: Complete Extent of text: Complete Extent of notation: One stanza notated | Ave rosa in Iericho | Ave rosa in Iericho |
14 | 149r–149v | Ave trinitatis cubile | Rubric: De beata virgine quando placzet Cantus genre: Cn Cantus Feast: De BMV | Integrity of record: Complete Extent of text: Complete Extent of notation: One stanza notated | Ave trinitatis cubile | Ave trinitatis cubile |
15 | 149v–150r | Ex legis observancia Ex legis observantia | Rubric: de Purificacione Cantus genre: Cn Cantus Feast: Purificatio Mariae | Integrity of record: Complete Extent of text: Complete Extent of notation: One stanza notated | Ex legis observantia | Ex legis observantia |
16 | 150r–150v | Dywo flagrans numine Divo flagrans numine | Rubric: de Assumpcione beate virginis Cantus genre: Cn Cantus Feast: Assumptio Mariae | Integrity of record: Complete Extent of text: Complete Extent of notation: One stanza notated | Divo flagrans numine | Divo flagrans numine (CZ-VB 42) |
17 | 151r | E morte pater divinus | Rubric: de Resurrectione Cantus genre: Cn Cantus Feast: In tempore Paschae | Integrity of record: Complete Extent of text: Complete Extent of notation: One stanza notated | E morte pater divinus | E morte pater divinus |
18 | 151v | Surrexit Christus hodie | Rubric: de Resurreccione Cantus genre: BD Cantus Feast: Dom. Resurrectionis | Integrity of record: Complete Extent of text: Complete Extent of notation: One stanza notated | Surrexit Christus hodie alleluia | Surrexit Christus hodie (MHB 1373) |
19 | 152r | Resurrexit dominus | Rubric: de Resurrectione Cantus genre: BD Cantus Feast: Dom. Resurrectionis | Integrity of record: Complete Extent of text: Complete Extent of notation: One stanza notated | Resurrexit dominus | Resurrexit dominus |
20 | 152r–152v | Stupefactus inferni dux | Rubric: de Resurrectione Cantus genre: BD Cantus Feast: In tempore Paschae | Integrity of record: Complete Extent of text: Complete Extent of notation: Partially notated | Stupefactus inferni dux | Stupefactus inferni dux |
21 | 152v-153r | Sampsonis honestissima Samsonis honestissima | Rubric: de Resurrectione Cantus genre: Cn Cantus Feast: Dom. Resurrectionis, In tempore Paschae | Integrity of record: Complete Extent of text: Complete Extent of notation: One stanza notated | Samsonis honestissima | Sampsonis honestissima |
23 | 153r–153v | Veni dulcis consolator | Rubric: de Spiritu Sancto Cantus genre: Cn Cantus Feast: De Spiritu Sancto | Integrity of record: Complete Extent of text: Complete Extent of notation: One stanza notated | Veni dulcis consolator | Veni dulcis consolator |
24 | 153v–154r | Iam adest dies iubileus Iam adest dies iubilaeus | Rubric: Sequitur de Nativitate Christi Cantus genre: Cn Cantus Feast: In tempore Nat., Nativitas Domini | Integrity of record: Complete Extent of text: Complete Extent of notation: Partially notated | Iam adest dies iubileus | Iam adest dies iubileus |
25 | 154r–154v | Puer nobis nascitur rector angelorum | Rubric: de nativitate Christi Cantus genre: BD Cantus Feast: In tempore Nat., Nativitas Domini | Integrity of record: Complete Extent of text: Complete Extent of notation: One stanza notated | Puer nobis nascitur rector angelorum | Puer nobis nascitur rector angelorum |
26 | 154v | Cum gaudio concurite Cum gaudio concurrite | Rubric: de Nativitate Christi Cantus genre: Cn Cantus Feast: In tempore Nat. | Integrity of record: Complete Extent of text: Complete Extent of notation: One stanza notated | Cum gaudio concurrite | Cum gaudio concurrite |
27 | 155r | Pueri nativitatem Pueri nativitatem | Rubric: de Nativitate Christi Cantus genre: Conductus Cantus Feast: In tempore Nat., Nativitas Domini | Integrity of record: Complete Extent of text: Complete Extent of notation: One stanza notated | Pueri nativitatem | Pueri nativitatem |
28 | 155v | Sol de stella oritur Sol de stella oritur | Rubric: de nativitate domini Cantus genre: Cn Cantus Feast: In tempore Nat. | Integrity of record: Complete Extent of text: Complete Extent of notation: One stanza notated | Sol de stella oritur | Sol de stella oritur |
30 | 156r | Cozmi caligo pellitur Cosmi caligo pellitur | Rubric: de Nativitate domini Cantus genre: BD Cantus Feast: In tempore Nat. | Integrity of record: Complete Extent of text: Complete Extent of notation: One stanza notated | Cosmi caligo pellitur | Cosmi caligo pellitur |
31 | 156v–157r | Ursula speciosa Ursula speciosa | Rubric: de Sancta Ursula Cantus genre: Cn Cantus Feast: Ursulae | Integrity of record: Complete Extent of text: Complete Extent of notation: One stanza notated | Ursula speciosa | Ursula speciosa |
551 | 164v–166v | Patrem omnipotentem | Rubric: Cantus genre: Cr Cantus Feast: | Integrity of record: Complete Extent of text: Complete Extent of notation: Fully notated | Patrem omnipotentem (Standard) | Patrem VB 42 hojně rozšířené |
552 | 167r–169v | Patrem omnipotentem | Rubric: Cantus genre: Cr Cantus Feast: | Integrity of record: Complete Extent of text: Complete Extent of notation: Fully notated | Patrem omnipotentem (Standard) | Patrem z VB 42 unikátní |
32 | 157r–157v | Puerum solacio Puerum solatio | Rubric: de sancto Nicolao Cantus genre: Cn Cantus Feast: Nicolai | Integrity of record: Complete Extent of text: Complete Extent of notation: One stanza notated | Puerum solatio | Puerum solatio |
33 | 157v | Turba canat populi Turba canat populi | Rubric: de sancto Nicolao Cantus genre: Cn Cantus Feast: Nicolai | Integrity of record: Complete Extent of text: Complete Extent of notation: One stanza notated | Turba canat populi | Turba canat populi |
34 | 158r–158v | Regina celi letare Regina caeli laetare | Rubric: Tempore Paschali Cantus genre: A Cantus Feast: In tempore Paschae | Integrity of record: Complete Extent of text: Complete Extent of notation: Fully notated | Regina caeli laetare | Regina caeli laetare |
35 | 158v–159r | Magnificemus dominum Magnificemus dominum | Rubric: Sequitur discantus super Magnificat in summis festivitatibus Cantus genre: Cn Cantus Feast: | Integrity of record: Complete Extent of text: Complete Extent of notation: Fully notated | Magnificemus dominum | Magnificemus dominum |
36 | 159v–161r | Otep myry Otep myrhy | Rubric: Canticum Boemicale Cantus genre: Cantus Feast: | Integrity of record: Complete Extent of text: Complete Extent of notation: Fully notated | Otep myrry | Otep myrry |
74 | 161r | Giesu kryste striedry Jezu Kriste štědrý | Rubric: Cantus genre: Cn Cantus Feast: | Integrity of record: Fragmentary Extent of text: Incipit only Extent of notation: None (text-only) | Jezu Kriste ščědrý kněže | |
37 | 161v–162r | Stalat sye giest wyecz dywna Stalať sě jest věc divná | Rubric: Cantio Boemice de Nativitate Christi Cantus genre: Cn Cantus Feast: In tempore Nat. | Integrity of record: Fragmentary Extent of text: Complete Extent of notation: Partially notated | Stalať sě jest věc divná | Stalať sě jest věc divná |
38 | 162r | Prima declinacio Prima declinatio | Rubric: Cantus genre: Conductus Cantus Feast: | Integrity of record: Complete Extent of text: Complete Extent of notation: None (text-only) | Prima declinatio | Prima declinatio |
39 | 162v–163v | Dorotho panno czysta Doroto panno čistá | Rubric: Cancio de Sancta Dorothea Boemice Cantus genre: Cn Cantus Feast: Dorotheae | Integrity of record: Complete Extent of text: Complete Extent of notation: One stanza notated | Doroto panno čistá | Doroto panno čistá |
40 | 169v–170r | Ihesus Christus nostra salus Iesus Christus nostra salus, Jesus Christus nostra salus | Rubric: Cancio de corpore Christi Cantus genre: Cn Cantus Feast: Corporis Christi | Integrity of record: Complete Extent of text: Complete Extent of notation: One stanza notated | Iesus Christus nostra salus | Iesus Christus nostra salus |
41 | 170v | Sampson fortis Samson fortis | Rubric: de Resurreccione Cantus genre: Cn Cantus Feast: Dom. Resurrectionis, In tempore Paschae | Integrity of record: Complete Extent of text: Complete Extent of notation: Fully notated | Samson fortis | Samson fortis |
42 | 170v–171r | Constat ethereis Constat aethereis | Rubric: Cancio de Ascensione domini Cantus genre: Cn Cantus Feast: Ascensio Domini | Integrity of record: Complete Extent of text: Complete Extent of notation: One stanza notated | Constat aethereis | Constat aethereis |
43 | 171v | Sedit yemps eminus Sedit hiems eminus, Cedit hiems eminus | Rubric: In Resurreccione domini super Gloria in excelsis cancio Cantus genre: Tp Cantus Feast: Dom. Resurrectionis, In tempore Paschae | Integrity of record: Complete Extent of text: Complete Extent of notation: One stanza notated | Cedit hiems eminus | Cedit hiems eminus |
44 | 172r | Surrexit Christus hodie Surrexit Christus hodie | Rubric: Cantus genre: BD Cantus Feast: Dom. Resurrectionis | Integrity of record: Complete Extent of text: Complete Extent of notation: One stanza notated | Surrexit Christus hodie alleluia | Surrexit Christus hodie (MHB 284) |
45 | 172v–173v | Felici peccatrici Felici peccatrici | Rubric: Cancio devota de Sancta Maria Magdalena Cantus genre: Cn Cantus Feast: Mariae Magdalenae | Integrity of record: Complete Extent of text: Complete Extent of notation: Some stanzas notated | Felici peccatrici | Felici peccatrici (CZ-VB 42) |
46 | 173v | Ad terrorem omnium Ad terrorem omnium | Rubric: Item sequitur alia contra omnes status Cantus genre: Cantus Feast: | Integrity of record: Complete Extent of text: Complete Extent of notation: None (text-only) | Ad terrorem omnium | |
47 | 174r | Omnes attendite Omnes attendite | Rubric: Sequitur Cancio contra Wiclefistas, et canitur eadem nota ut Cancio ymber nunc celitus Cantus genre: Cantus Feast: | Integrity of record: Complete Extent of text: Complete Extent of notation: None (text-only) | Omnes attendite | Imber nunc caelitus |
48 | 174v–175r | Pangant odas pariter Pangant odas pariter | Rubric: Cantus genre: Cn Cantus Feast: In tempore Nat. | Integrity of record: Complete Extent of text: Complete Extent of notation: One stanza notated | Pangant odas pariter | Pangant odas pariter |
49 | 175v | In festivitate huius diei | Rubric: Cantus genre: Cn Cantus Feast: | Integrity of record: Fragmentary Extent of text: Partial Extent of notation: Notation unfinished | In festivitate huius diei | In festivitate huius diei |
50 | 176r | Iohannes postquam senuit Ioannes postquam senuit | Rubric: Pro Benedicamus ad vesperas de sancto Johanne Apostolo et ewangelista Cantus genre: BD Cantus Feast: Johannis Baptistae, Johannis Evangelistae | Integrity of record: Complete Extent of text: Complete Extent of notation: One stanza notated | Ioannes postquam senuit | Ioannes postquam senuit |
51 | 176r | Benedicamus regnanti Benedicamus regnanti | Rubric: Sequitur Benedicamus de Sancto Wenczeslao Cantus genre: BD Cantus Feast: Wenceslai | Integrity of record: Complete Extent of text: Complete Extent of notation: Fully notated | Benedicamus regnanti | Benedicamus regnanti |
52 | 176v | Radice nata regia | Rubric: Cantus genre: BD Cantus Feast: De BMV | Integrity of record: Complete Extent of text: Complete Extent of notation: One stanza notated | Radice nata regia | Radice nata |