Normalized: Nunc festum celebremus
State of preservation
Physical integrity of record: Fragmentary
Extent of text: Partial
Extent of musical notation: None (text-only)
Corrections: No
<V.> Nunc festum celebremus
laudesque decantemus
corde voce ore.
<V.> Virginis Katherina
matris et regene
psalencium ore
R° ut supra [not in MS]
<R°> Hec per virtutum ore vicit Max<encium>
Hec per virtutum ore vicit Max<encium>
Cantus genre: Cn
Cantus feast: Catharinae
Comments to function: Sanctae Catharinae
Music notation
Type of notation: None (Text-only)
Number of strophes: 0
Author of this item: Jan Ciglbauer, Adéla Ebersonová