Normalized: Iam adest dies iubilaeus
Source: CZ-VB 42 153v–154r
State of preservation
Physical integrity of record: Complete
Extent of text: Complete
Extent of musical notation: Partially notated
Corrections: Yes
Type of corrections: Correction(s) of words by the same scribe
<V.> Iam adest dies iubileus
in quo iam nascitur deus
tribuendo lumen
Olym cetus propheticus
hunc previdit celitus
expectando lumen
R° Eya nunc vos concinite
voce corde psallite
nato ympnizemus
V. Luciper nempe periit
lucifer lucid lucens prodiit
sol Iacob de stella
Christus Ihesus Rex oritur
per quem salus conditur
matre de puella.
Rubric: Sequitur de Nativitate Christi
Cantus genre: Cn
Cantus feast: In tempore Nat., Nativitas Domini
Comments to function: Nativitas Christi
Music notation
Type of notation: Staff notation
Style of notation: Black mensural
Rhythm: Mensural notation
Number of parts: 1
Mode: F
Ambitus: d–f'
Form: AAB
Number of strophes: 2
Author of this item: Jan Ciglbauer, Adéla Ebersonová