Laus domino resonet

Author: Anonymous


Title Author Language
Laus domino resonetAnonymousLatin
Veselme sě neb nám sě narodil syn božíAnonymousCzech


ID Source Fol. Dating Title Use Status Text Compare
321D-Mbs clm 551160r1350 - 1450Laus domino resonetRubric:
Cantus genre: BD
Cantus Feast: Nativitas Domini
Integrity of record: Complete
Extent of text: Complete
Extent of notation: Fully notated
Laus domino resonet
56CZ-VB 42Fr1410 - 1450Laus domino resonet
Laus domino resonet
Cantus genre: BD
Cantus Feast: In tempore Nat.
Integrity of record: Complete
Extent of text: Complete
Extent of notation: One stanza notated
Laus domino resonet


Kancionál Franusův, ed. Dobroslav Orel, Knihovna Cyrill, 10 (Praha, 1922), 90.

Plocek, Václav, Zwei Studien zur ältesten geistlichen Musik in Böhmen, 2 vols. Bausteine zur Geschichte der Literatur bei den Slawen 27,1–2 (Giessen, 1985), no. 34.


Author of this item: Jan Ciglbauer