Pangant odas pariter

Normalized: Pangant odas pariter


Source: CZ-VB 42 174v–175r

State of preservation

Physical integrity of record: Complete
Extent of text: Complete
Extent of musical notation: One stanza notated
Corrections: Yes
Type of corrections: Correction(s) of melody by the same scribe


<V.> Pangant odas pariter
pueri hilariter
voce cum sonora.

W. Ecce vox insonuit
patrem nata genuit
rutilat aurora.

<R°> Sibi cum leticia
spretaque mesticia
lete concinamus.

W. Vagit infans parvulus
quem gesserat alvulus
virginis Marie

W. stellaque precedente
intrant ab oriente
reges Arabie.

Repe° Regi regum domino
ac matri cum filio
gracias agamus.



Cantus genre: Cn
Cantus feast: In tempore Nat.
Comments to function: Tempore Nativitatis

Music notation

Type of notation: Staff notation
Style of notation: Black mensural
Rhythm: Mensural notation

Number of parts: 2
Titles of parts: Tenor; upper voices unnamed

Mode: A

Form: AAB
Number of strophes: 3

Author of this item: Jan Ciglbauer, Adéla Ebersonová