Candens ebur castitatis

Author: Anonymous


Title Author Language
Candens ebur castitatisAnonymousLatin
Dulcem caeli collaudemusAnonymousLatin


ID Source Fol. Dating Title Use Status Text Compare
302CZ-Pu I G 3984v (78v)1425 - 1430Candens ebur castitatisRubric:
Cantus genre:
Cantus Feast: De BMV
Integrity of record: Complete
Extent of text: Complete
Extent of notation: None (text-only)
Candens ebur castitatis
148CZ-Pn XII F 14196r1450 - 1500Candens ebur castitatisRubric:
Cantus genre: Cn
Cantus Feast: De BMV
Integrity of record: Complete
Extent of text: Complete
Extent of notation: Partially notated
Candens ebur castitatis
366CZ-Pn XII A 1215v1380 - 1480Candens ebur castitatisRubric:
Cantus genre: Cn
Cantus Feast: De BMV
Integrity of record: Complete
Extent of text: Complete
Extent of notation: One stanza notated
Candens ebur castitatis
8CZ-VB 42146r–147r1410 - 1450Candens ebur castitatisRubric: de beata virgine quando placzet
Cantus genre: Cn
Cantus Feast: De BMV
Integrity of record: Complete
Extent of text: Complete
Extent of notation: One stanza notated
Candens ebur castitatis
430CZ-Pa Vyš 37641v1455 - 1480Candens ebur castitatisRubric:
Cantus genre: Cn
Cantus Feast: De BMV
Integrity of record: Complete
Extent of text: Complete
Extent of notation: None (text-only)
Candens ebur castitatis
517CZ-Pa Vyš 37664v1455 - 1480Ducem celi collaudemus
Ducem caeli collaudemus
Rubric: de s. Dorothea canitur Candens ebur
Cantus genre: Cn
Cantus Feast: Dorotheae
Integrity of record: Complete
Extent of text: Complete
Extent of notation: None (text-only)
Dulcem caeli collaudemus


Kancionál Franusův, ed. Dobroslav Orel, Knihovna Cyrill, 10 (Praha, 1922), 114 (Mention).

Historická antologie hudby v českých zemích (do cca 1530) = Historical Anthology of Music in the Bohemian Lands (up to ca 1530), ed. Jaromír Černý et al. (Praha, 2005), 49–50, no. 28.


Dyškanti & Stanislav Předota, ‘Candens ebur castitatis’, in V naději Boží Mistři Hus Jan a Jeroným = In the Hope of God, the Masters Jan Hus and Jerome (KLP, MARB 2016-2, 2016) [CD].

Author of this item: Jan Ciglbauer