Normalized: Gaude regina gloriae
State of preservation
Physical integrity of record: Complete
Extent of text: Uncertain
Extent of musical notation: One stanza notated
Corrections: No
<V.> Gaude Regina glorie
que polos transis hodie
pre agmine celestium.
R° Gaude cui obediunt
et revereri siciunt
te angeli obsequio
V. Gaude quod tota trinitas
et velle tui unitas
sunt unum in arbitrio.
V. Gaude quod tui servuli
nunc et post finem seculi
ut bis fruuntur premio.
V. Gaude deo vicinior
secum in posse pocior
in summo sedes solio.
V. Gaude quod sanctos superas
in hoc quod Christo imperas
ut potens mater filio.
R° ut supra Gaude cui obediunt.
Verse structure: 888 [888] 888
Verse structure: 888 [888] 888
Rhyme structure: AAB [CCD] EEF
Rubric: de Assumpcione
Cantus genre: Cn
Cantus feast: Assumptio Mariae
Music notation
Type of notation: Staff notation
Style of notation: Black mensural
Rhythm: Mensural notation
Number of parts: 1
Mode: E
Ambitus: c–c'
Form: AAB
Number of strophes: 3
Comments to form: The first stanza lacks its second versus
Author of this item: Jan Ciglbauer, Adéla Ebersonová