PL-GD Mar. F. 406

Poland, Gdańsk, Biblioteka Gdańska Polskiej Akademii Nauk, Mar. F. 406


Ms./Print: Manuscript
Material: Parchment
Type of source: Gradual
Comments to type of source: Marian Graduale with a small section containing five strophic songs (f. 57-59).
Language(s): Latin

Integrity of source: Complete

Dating – Century: 15th century
Dating of hymnological contents: 1430 - 1460

Provenance – Region: North German
Provenance – Place: Gdańsk
Provenance – Institution: Parish church
Comments to provenance: From the St. Mary's Church
Confession: 1


Otto Günther, Die Handschriften der Kirchenbibliothek von St. Marien in Danzig, Katalog der Danziger Stadtbibliothek, v (Gdańsk, 1921), 456–457.

Tadeusz Maciejewski, ‘Kancjonał Gdański ze zbiorów Biblioteki PAN’, in Zeszyty Naukowe Państwowej Wyższej Szkoły Muzycznej w Gdańsku, 20 (1981), 5–60.

Jan Jerzy Jasiewicz, ‘Krzyżacka tradycja liturgiczno-muzyczna w świetle źródeł zachowanych w Bibliotece Gdańskiej PAN’, in Libri Gedanenses, 23-24 (2007), 5–103.

Kamil Watkowski and Piotr Ziółkowski, ‘Secundum Notulam Dominorum Teutonicorum: A New Look at the Repertoire and Genesis of Manuscript PL-GD Mar. F 406’, in Muzyka, 68, 1 (2023), 20–61.


ID Fol. Title Use Status Text Melody
3235v–7vAlleluia O Maria rubens rosaRubric:
Cantus genre: AlV
Cantus Feast: De BMV, In tempore Adventus
Integrity of record: Complete
Extent of text: Complete
Extent of notation: Fully notated
O Maria rubens rosaAlleluia O Maria rubens rosa,
Summi caeli gaudium
3247v–9vAlleluia O consolatrix pauperumRubric:
Cantus genre: AlV
Cantus Feast: De BMV, In tempore Adventus
Integrity of record: Complete
Extent of text: Complete
Extent of notation: Fully notated
O consolatrix pauperumAlleluia O consolatrix pauperum
32528r–28vAlleluia Ave benedicta MariaRubric:
Cantus genre: AlV
Cantus Feast: De BMV
Integrity of record: Complete
Extent of text: Complete
Extent of notation: Fully notated
Ave benedicta MariaAlleluia Ave benedicta Maria,
O Maria caeli via
32628v–29vAlleluia O gloriosa mater Cristi Maria
Alleluia O gloriosa mater Christi Maria
Cantus genre: AlV
Cantus Feast: De BMV
Integrity of record: Complete
Extent of text: Complete
Extent of notation: Fully notated
O gloriosa mater Christi MariaO gloriosa mater Christi Maria
32757vAve maris stella lucens miserisRubric:
Cantus genre: Cn
Cantus Feast: De BMV, In tempore Adventus
Integrity of record: Complete
Extent of text: Complete
Extent of notation: One stanza notated
Ave maris stella lucens miserisAve maris stella lucens miseris
32857v–58rAve ierarchia
Ave hierarchia
Cantus genre: Cn
Cantus Feast: De BMV, In tempore Adventus
Integrity of record: Complete
Extent of text: Nearly complete
Extent of notation: One stanza notated
Ave hierarchiaAve hierarchia
32958vIhesus Cristus nostra salus
Iesus Christus nostra salus
Cantus genre: Cn
Cantus Feast: Corporis Christi
Integrity of record: Complete
Extent of text: Complete
Extent of notation: One stanza notated
Iesus Christus nostra salusIesus Christus nostra salus
33059r–59vAve pulcherrima reginaRubric:
Cantus genre: Cn
Cantus Feast: De BMV, In tempore Adventus
Integrity of record: Complete
Extent of text: Nearly complete
Extent of notation: One stanza notated
Ave sanctissima reginaAve sanctissima regina
33159vVerbum bonum et suaveRubric:
Cantus genre: Cn
Cantus Feast: De BMV
Integrity of record: Complete
Extent of text: Complete
Extent of notation: One stanza notated
Verbum bonum et suaveVerbum bonum et suave

Author of this item: Jan Ciglbauer