ID | Title | Country | Library | Type and Material | Dating of song records | Details | Records |
14 | CZ-Pu XIV G 17 | Czech Republic | Praha, Národní knihovna České republiky | Textual miscellany Paper | 1360-1400 2nd half of the 14th century; cf. 187v: 1377 | Textual miscellany Textual miscellany with two inserted gatherings containing music with notation (... | 8 |
78 | CZ-Pu XVII E 7 | Czech Republic | Praha, Národní knihovna České republiky | Textual miscellany Paper | 1400-1499 | Textual miscellany Collection of Czech prayers and songs | 0 |
64 | CZ-Pu XVII F 3 | Czech Republic | Praha, Národní knihovna České republiky | Liturgical miscellany Paper | 1440-1460 Around 1450 (Baťová) | Liturgical miscellany Collection of Latin and Czech chants for the triduum and the liturgy of the dead... | 0 |
55 | CZ-Pu XVII F 30 Tzv. Milíčovský sborník modliteb | Czech Republic | Praha, Národní knihovna České republiky | Orationale Paper | 1400-1410 | Orationale Collection of Czech prayers; texts of songs as prayers | 10 |
56 | CZ-Pu XVII F 9 Tzv. Vyšehradský sborník textů Tomáše ze Štítného | Czech Republic | Praha, Národní knihovna České republiky | Textual miscellany Paper | 1390-1400 1396 | Textual miscellany | 4 |
97 | CZ-Pu XXIII F 128 Lobkowicz 490 | Czech Republic | Praha, Národní knihovna České republiky | Textual miscellany Paper | 1375-1400 Dat. by Karin Schneider (cf. Kornrumpf, 328) | Textual miscellany Textual miscellany with medical texts and "Prager Abendmahlspiel" | 0 |
47 | CZ-TRE A 4 | Czech Republic | Třeboň, Státní oblastní archiv, fond Rukopisy Třeboň | Personal miscellany Mixed | 1450-1458 | Personal miscellany Two gatherings with both notated and text-only music attached to a text miscella... | 0 |
48 | CZ-TRE A 7 | Czech Republic | Třeboň, Státní oblastní archiv, fond Rukopisy Třeboň | Personal miscellany Paper | 1454-1480 Written mainly 1454-1457, additions in the 1470s. | Personal miscellany A large collection of secular Czech and sacred Latin song texts is part of a mos... | 3 |
32 | CZ-TRE C 6 | Czech Republic | Třeboň, Státní oblastní archiv, fond Rukopisy Třeboň | Textual miscellany Paper | 1400-1410 Sections dated 1402, 1403, and 1407 | Textual miscellany Text miscellany containing sections with secular and sacred song texts | 0 |
111 | CZ-VB 28 | Czech Republic | Vyšší Brod, Knihovna cisterciáckého kláštera | Textual miscellany Paper | 1450-1520 2nd half of the 15th century. Dates appearing in the textual sections: 1506 on fol. 39v, 1470 on fol. 91v | Textual miscellany Hymnological content on fols. 175-83, some items with musical notation | 0 |
16 | CZ-VB 42 Hohenfurter Liederhandschrift, Vyšebrodský zpěvník, Vyšebrodský sborník | Czech Republic | Vyšší Brod, Knihovna cisterciáckého kláštera | Processional Paper | 1410-1450 Dat. 1410, after the first half of the chant section was finished, cf. Fol. Ar; occasional additions until c. 1450 | Processional Liturgical miscellany with processional chants, Mass Ordinary, Sequences. Song c... | 62 |
109 | CZ-VB 8b Hohenfurter Liederbuch | Czech Republic | Vyšší Brod, Knihovna cisterciáckého kláštera | Cantionale Paper | 1440-1460 Around 1450 (Wachinger) | Cantionale Collection of mostly German songs | 0 |
110 | CZ-VB LXV | Czech Republic | Vyšší Brod, Knihovna cisterciáckého kláštera | Missal Parchment | 1350-1420 | Missal Missal with notated prefaces, a motet on fol. 5, and a song text on 259r | 0 |
94 | D-B mlf 665 | Germany | Berlin, Staatsbibliothek - Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Musikabteilung | Textual miscellany Paper | 1430-1450 Textual contents dated 1445 (fol. 213), music on fol. 1r-v. | Textual miscellany | 0 |
83 | D-Hs Jacobi 18 | Germany | Hamburg, Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek | Textual miscellany Paper | 1380-1430 Oldest parts of the source: 1380, additions up to 1430 | Textual miscellany Text of one song appears as addition on fol. 172v. | 0 |
112 | D-KA L 59 | Germany | Karlsruhe, Badische Landesbibliothek, Musiksammlung | Uncertain Paper | 1510-1512 Second half of the 15th century (Heinzer and Stamm); 1512 (Webseite BLB) | Uncertain One single paper leaf | 1 |
102 | D-KIu Bord. 16 | Germany | Kiel, Universitätsbibliothek | Textual miscellany Paper | 1455-1465 Dat. "around 1460" (Lipphardt) | Textual miscellany ... | 0 |
98 | D-LEu 1305 | Germany | Leipzig, Universitätsbibliothek | Textual miscellany Paper | 1410-1450 Around 1420 (Gottwald) | Textual miscellany Text manuscript with a song section, partly notated (fol. 107-116) | 0 |
99 | D-LEu 770 | Germany | Leipzig, Universitätsbibliothek | Liturgical miscellany Paper | 1450-1500 | Liturgical miscellany | 0 |
52 | D-LÜh hist. 8° 1a Var. 152, Briefsammlung Simon Batz von Homburg | Germany | Lübeck, Bibliothek der Hansestadt | Personal miscellany Paper | 1440-1464 | Personal miscellany Manuale of Simon Batz von Homburg, texts of sacred and secular songs | 0 |