ID | Title | Country | Library | Type and Material | Dating of song records | Details | Records |
54 | CZ-OLm R 59 | Czech Republic | Olomouc, Vlastivědné muzeum | Missal Parchment | 1395-1405 The record of the song comes from c. 1400 | Missal A Missale from the cathedral of Olomouc with a record of Jezu Kriste ščědrý ... | 1 |
25 | CZ-OLu M I 406 Olomoucký sborník | Czech Republic | Olomouc, Vědecká knihovna | Textual miscellany Paper | 1450-1530 The codex consists of sections of different dating | Textual miscellany | 0 |
62 | CZ-OP RB 4 | Czech Republic | Opava, Slezské zemské muzeum, Knihovna | Textual miscellany Paper | 1400-1450 | Textual miscellany Text miscellany; one Czech song and incipits of some Latin songs on the inner si... | 3 |
15 | CZ-OP RC 19 | Czech Republic | Opava, Slezské zemské muzeum, Knihovna | Psalter Parchment | 1380-1410 Fol. 1 c. 1400, the psalter 14th century | Psalter One parchment folio from c. 1400, with O Maria mater Christi and a fragment of l... | 1 |
63 | CZ-OP RC 4 | Czech Republic | Opava, Slezské zemské muzeum, Knihovna | Liturgical miscellany Paper | 1430-1450 | Liturgical miscellany Collection of passions, lamentations, and monophonic and polyphonic Latin songs,... | 0 |
13 | CZ-Pa Vyš 376 Vyšehradský rukopis | Czech Republic | Praha, Národní archiv, fond Vyšehradská kapitula | Liturgical miscellany Paper | 1455-1480 Main paper dated "End of the 1450s until c. 1470", later additions around 1480 | Liturgical miscellany | 157 |
1 | CZ-Pak A 57.1 Codex Ostroviensis | Czech Republic | Praha, Archiv Pražského hradu, Metropolitní kapitula | Liturgical miscellany Parchment | 1250-1300 Beginning of the 13th century (Patera/Podlaha); conducti and the Czech song added later, probably at the end of the 13th century | Liturgical miscellany Psalter, hymnarius, and orationale | 0 |
105 | CZ-Pak A 59.3 | Czech Republic | Praha, Archiv Pražského hradu, Metropolitní kapitula | Personal miscellany Paper | 1422-1435 According to the colophone on fol. 214v, the codex was compiled in 1435. | Personal miscellany A miscellany of theological texts and letters; hymnological content on fols. 323... | 0 |
106 | CZ-Pak A 89.6 | Czech Republic | Praha, Archiv Pražského hradu, Metropolitní kapitula | Textual miscellany Paper | 1420-1421 Dat. according to a colophone on fol. 143v | Textual miscellany Collection of theological texts and sermons | 0 |
107 | CZ-Pak M 1 | Czech Republic | Praha, Archiv Pražského hradu, Metropolitní kapitula | Textual miscellany Paper | 1400-1420 Podlaha: "first half of the 15th century" | Textual miscellany Medical miscellany with the text of Ihesu Christe styedry knyezye on fol. 12r | 1 |
103 | CZ-Pn 1 A c 24 | Czech Republic | Praha, Knihovna Národního muzea | Uncertain Parchment | 1398-1405 | Uncertain A promissory note from 1398 with the text of Jezu Kriste ščedrý kněže on it... | 1 |
93 | CZ-Pn 25 F 3 "Piesničky" | Czech Republic | Praha, Knihovna Národního muzea | Cantionale Paper | 1490-1501 Dat. 1501 on the title page | Cantionale | 0 |
12 | CZ-Pn II C 7 Jistebnický kancionál; Jistebnice Cantional | Czech Republic | Praha, Knihovna Národního muzea | Gradual Paper | 1420-1430 | Gradual | 0 |
21 | CZ-Pn XII A 1 olim Graduál od P. Marie sněžné | Czech Republic | Praha, Knihovna Národního muzea | Gradual Parchment | 1380-1480 First part of the ms. written at the end of 14th century (f. 18-112), another sections in the 2nd half of the 15th century (5-17, 113-220) | Gradual Graduale with song section | 20 |
17 | CZ-Pn XII F 14 Jistebnický graduál; The Jistebnice Gradual | Czech Republic | Praha, Knihovna Národního muzea | Gradual Paper | 1450-1500 | Gradual Gradual with a collection of sequences and cantiones | 69 |
91 | CZ-Pn XIII A 2 Graduál Martina Bakaláře z Vyskytné | Czech Republic | Praha, Knihovna Národního muzea | Gradual Paper | 1505-1512 Dated 1512 on the inner side of the front cover | Gradual Gradual with voluminous song sections | 0 |
104 | CZ-Pn XVI C 3 | Czech Republic | Praha, Knihovna Národního muzea | Textual miscellany Mixed | 1420-1440 According to a note on fol. 192v, the manuscript was bought in1434 by Mathia Flaska. | Textual miscellany Texts of two Czech songs on the front flyleaf of a theological miscellany from c... | 2 |
41 | CZ-Pst DA III 17 Missale Pragense | Czech Republic | Praha, Strahovská knihovna | Liturgical miscellany Mixed | 1456-1460 Single sections dated 1366, 1399, and 1456 | Liturgical miscellany Missal, hymns, cantiones | 18 |
89 | CZ-Pu 59 R 5116 Mariánský sborník [Marian Miscellany]; olim 'Speciálník pražský' | Czech Republic | Praha, Národní knihovna České republiky | Liturgical miscellany Paper | 1480-1520 | Liturgical miscellany | 4 |
101 | CZ-Pu I D 19 | Czech Republic | Praha, Národní knihovna České republiky | Textual miscellany Paper | 1410-1420 Partly dated by the scribe to 1411 (see fol. 56r); the probationes pennae might be of an only slightly later date | Textual miscellany A collection of sermons; Excerpts of two song texts on the back flyleaf | 2 |