ID | Title | Source | Dating | Folio | Integrity | Notation | Use | Musical form | No. of strophes |
343 | Wstalt gest Christus z mrtwich kral Vstalť jest Kristus z mrtvých král | CZ-Pu XI C 8 | 1460 - 1480 | 251v | Complete | None (text-only) | Cantus Genre: Cn Cantus Feast: Dom. Resurrectionis, In tempore Paschae | Through-comp. (strophic) | 9 |
155 | Wstalt gest teto chwyle Vstalť jest této chvíle | CZ-Pst DA III 17 | 1456 - 1460 | 62v | Complete | None (text-only) | Cantus Genre: Cantus Feast: | AAB | 2 |
75 | Wy dczerky yerozolemske Vy dcerky jerozolémské | CZ-Pu XIV G 17 | 1360 - 1400 | 126v | Complete | None (text-only) | Cantus Genre: Cantus Feast: Dom. Resurrectionis | 0 | |
310 | Wytay myly yesucryste wytay synu Vítaj milý Jezu Kriste vítaj synu | CZ-Pu XVII F 30 | 1400 - 1410 | 51r | Complete | None (text-only) | Cantus Genre: Cn Cantus Feast: Corporis Christi | Through-comp. (strophic) | 8 |
312 | Wytay myly yezu cryste narozeny Vítaj milý Jezu Kriste narozený | CZ-Pu XVII F 30 | 1400 - 1410 | 76r | Complete | None (text-only) | Cantus Genre: Cantus Feast: | 5 | |
134 | Ysaye presagia Isaiae praesagia | D-W 30.9.2 Aug. 4° | 1420 - 1450 | 115v–116r | Complete | One stanza notated | Cantus Genre: Tp Cantus Feast: | 0 | |
257 | Za cziesarzie Augusta Za ciesaře Augusta, Za císaře Augusta | CZ-Pn XII F 14 | 1450 - 1500 | 213r–213v | Complete | None (text-only) | Cantus Genre: Cn Cantus Feast: In tempore Nat., Nativitas Domini | AAB | 5 |
133 | Zacheus arboris Zacchaeus arboris | D-W 30.9.2 Aug. 4° | 1420 - 1450 | 115v | Complete | One stanza notated | Cantus Genre: BD Cantus Feast: In Dedicatione Ecclesiae | 6 | |
195 | Zacheus arboris Zachaeus arboris; Zacchaeus arboris | H-Bn lat. 243 | 1390 - 1410 | 66r | Fragmentary | Fully notated | Cantus Genre: BD Cantus Feast: In Dedicatione Ecclesiae | 6 | |
201 | Zacheus arboris Zachaeus arboris | CZ-Pn XII F 14 | 1450 - 1500 | 200r–200v | Complete | Fully notated | Cantus Genre: BD Cantus Feast: In Dedicatione Ecclesiae | 8 | |
453 | Zacheus arboris Zachaeus arboris | CZ-Pa Vyš 376 | 1455 - 1480 | 50r–50v | Complete | None (text-only) | Cantus Genre: BD Cantus Feast: In Dedicatione Ecclesiae | ab (strophic) | 8 |
318 | Zdrawa hwyezdo morzska wssyem hrzyessnym swyetyeczy Zdráva hvězdo mořská všiem hřiešným svietící | CZ-Pu XVII F 30 | 1400 - 1410 | 165v–166r | Complete | None (text-only) | Cantus Genre: Cn Cantus Feast: De BMV | AAB | 3 |
337 | Zdrawa kralewna mylosty Zdráva králevna milosti | CZ-OP RB 4 | 1400 - 1450 | FM | Fragmentary | None (text-only) | Cantus Genre: Cn Cantus Feast: De BMV | AAB | 1 |
316 | Zdrawa kralewno slawnosty Zdráva králevno slavnosti, Zdráva královno slavnosti | CZ-Pu XVII F 30 | 1400 - 1410 | 150v–151v | Complete | None (text-only) | Cantus Genre: Cn Cantus Feast: De BMV | AAB | 4 |
384 | Zdrawa nayswietieyssie kralewno Zdráva najsvětějšie králevno | CZ-Pa Vyš 376 | 1455 - 1480 | 8r–8v | Complete | None (text-only) | Cantus Genre: Cn Cantus Feast: De BMV | AAB | 3 |
274 | Zdrawas cziesarzowno wssie cznosti Zdrávas ciesařovno všie cnosti, Zdrávas císařovno vší ctnosti | CZ-Pn XII F 14 | 1450 - 1500 | 221r–221v, and 223r | Complete | One stanza notated | Cantus Genre: Cn Cantus Feast: De BMV, In tempore Adventus, In tempore Nat. | Through-comp. (strophic) | 12 |
273 | Zdrawas naiswietiezssie kralowno Zdrávas najsvětějšie královno, Zdrávas nejsvětější královno | CZ-Pn XII F 14 | 1450 - 1500 | 220r–221r | Complete | Partially notated | Cantus Genre: Cn Cantus Feast: De BMV, In tempore Adventus, In tempore Nat. | AAB | 3 |
126 | [Balat] | D-W 30.9.2 Aug. 4° | 1420 - 1450 | Fragmentary | Fully notated | Cantus Genre: Cantus Feast: | 0 | ||
120 | [Salve deitatis gracia] ... sancta salutifera [Salve deitatis gratia] ... sancta salutifera | D-W 30.9.2 Aug. 4° | 1420 - 1450 | 108r–108v | Fragmentary | Fully notated | Cantus Genre: Cantus Feast: De BMV | Sequential | 1 |