Physical integrity
Extent of text
Extent of musical notation
Genre (Cantus)
Feast (Cantus)
Type of notation
Style of notation
Actual repository of source - Country
Dating of source - Century
Provenance of source - region
Provenance of source - place
Provenance of source - institution
Type of search


List of Records

Total 538 records
IDTitle VSourceDatingFolioIntegrityNotationUseMusical formNo. of strophes
331Verbum bonum et suavePL-GD Mar. F. 4061430 - 146059vCompleteOne stanza notatedCantus Genre: Cn
Cantus Feast: De BMV
Through-comp. (strophic)6
377Vere cerno dominumCZ-Pa Vyš 3761455 - 14805rCompleteOne stanza notatedCantus Genre: Cn
Cantus Feast: Corporis Christi
262Viecznemu twordczi diekugicz
Věčnému tvorci děkujíc, Věčnému tvůrci děkujíc
CZ-Pn XII F 141450 - 1500215rCompleteNone (text-only)Cantus Genre: Cn
Cantus Feast: In tempore Nat.
512Vile tangit presepium
Vile tangit praesepium
CZ-Pa Vyš 3761455 - 148062vCompleteOne stanza notatedCantus Genre: BD
Cantus Feast: In tempore Nat.
ab (strophic)6
513Vile tangit presepium
Vile tangit praesepium
CZ-Pa Vyš 3761455 - 148062vCompleteFully notatedCantus Genre: Cn
Cantus Feast: In tempore Nat.
ab (strophic)1
279Virens in civitateCZ-Pn XII F 141450 - 1500225rCompleteNone (text-only)Cantus Genre: Cn
Cantus Feast: Laurentii
452Virens in civitateCZ-Pa Vyš 3761455 - 148050rCompleteNone (text-only)Cantus Genre: BD
Cantus Feast: Laurentii
428Virgo prudens graditurCZ-Pa Vyš 3761455 - 148040vCompleteOne stanza notatedCantus Genre: Cn
Cantus Feast: De BMV
151Vivus panis angelorumCZ-Pn XII F 141450 - 1500197vCompleteOne stanza notatedCantus Genre: Cn
Cantus Feast: Corporis Christi
164Vivus panis angelorum
Vivus panis angelorum
CZ-Pst DA III 171456 - 146068r–68vCompleteNone (text-only)Cantus Genre: Cn
Cantus Feast: Corporis Christi
387Vivus panis angelorumCZ-Pa Vyš 3761455 - 148021vCompletePartially notatedCantus Genre: Cn
Cantus Feast: Corporis Christi
Through-comp. (strophic)10
177Vol her an ir weyp und ir man
Vol her an ir weib und ir man
H-Bn lat. 2431390 - 141030vFragmentaryFully notatedCantus Genre:
Cantus Feast:
131Von meisterlicher mensurD-W 30.9.2 Aug. 4°1420 - 1450113vFragmentaryNone (text-only)Cantus Genre:
Cantus Feast:
344Weselit nam den nastal
Veselýť nám den nastal
CZ-Pu XI C 81460 - 1480251vCompleteNone (text-only)Cantus Genre: Cn
Cantus Feast: Dom. Resurrectionis, In tempore Paschae
Through-comp. (strophic)1
435Wivus panis angelorum
Vivus panis angelorum
CZ-Pa Vyš 3761455 - 148043rCompleteNone (text-only)Cantus Genre: Cn
Cantus Feast: Corporis Christi
Through-comp. (strophic)10
154Wskrziessenie spasitele sweho
Vskřiešenie spasitele svého, Vzkříšení spasitele svého
CZ-Pst DA III 171456 - 146061v–62rCompleteNone (text-only)Cantus Genre:
Cantus Feast:
53Wstal gest buoh z mrtwych swu moczy
Vstal jest Bůh z mrtvých svú mocí
CZ-VB 421410 - 1450ErCompleteNone (text-only)Cantus Genre: Cn
Cantus Feast: Dom. Resurrectionis
398Wstal gest teto chwile
Vstal jest této chvíle
CZ-Pa Vyš 3761455 - 148025v, 27rCompleteNone (text-only)Cantus Genre: Cn
Cantus Feast: Dom. Resurrectionis
342Wstalt gest buoh z mrtwych swu moczi
Vstalť jest buoh z mrtvých svú mocí
CZ-Pu XI C 81460 - 1480251vCompleteNone (text-only)Cantus Genre: Cn
Cantus Feast: Dom. Resurrectionis, In tempore Paschae
Through-comp. (strophic)9
343Wstalt gest Christus z mrtwich kral
Vstalť jest Kristus z mrtvých král
CZ-Pu XI C 81460 - 1480251vCompleteNone (text-only)Cantus Genre: Cn
Cantus Feast: Dom. Resurrectionis, In tempore Paschae
Through-comp. (strophic)9

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