ID | Title ![]() | Country | Library | Type and Material | Dating of song records | Details | Records |
40 | A-Gu 253 | Austria | Graz, Universitätsbibliothek | Text miscellany Paper | 1400-1450 First half of the 15th century; the record of Omnes attendite dates 1426 (see Spunar) | Text miscellany Fol. 13r contains one song text, otherwise theological texts. | 1 |
33 | A-Gu 29 | Austria | Graz, Universitätsbibliothek | Antiphoner Parchment | 1340-1360 c. 1350 | Antiphoner Antiphonary with additions: among them tropes to Libera me and Media vita | 2 |
28 | A-Gu 756 Seckauer Cantionarium | Austria | Graz, Universitätsbibliothek | Troper Parchment | 1345-1345 Colophon on 228v | Troper Calendar and Liber Ordinarius from Seckau, Collection of tropes and cantiones "C... | 0 |
35 | A-Gu 876 | Austria | Graz, Universitätsbibliothek | Text miscellany Paper | 1350-1450 Second half of the 14th century (133–207, 222–241), first half of the 15th century (1–132, 208–221, 242–249) | Text miscellany Single folios with notated music (133, 138, 139) within a text manuscript | 0 |
23 | A-Iu 457 | Austria | Innsbruck, Universitätsbibliothek | Liturgical miscellany Parchment | 1380-1400 Approximate dating: 1400 | Liturgical miscellany Codex consists of two main sections: text (1–71), music with notation (72–10... | 0 |
87 | A-M 950 | Austria | Melk, Benediktinerstift | Text miscellany | 1455-1465 Around 1462 (Glaßner) | Text miscellany Collection of treatises on music theory | 0 |
27 | A-MB Man. cart. 1 | Austria | Michaelbeuern, Benediktinerabtei, Bibliothek und Musikarchiv | Liturgical miscellany Paper | 1500-1530 | Liturgical miscellany Mixed content, mostly with notation | 0 |
29 | A-RB 60 | Austria | Reichersberg, Augustiner-Chorherrenstift | Liturgical miscellany Paper | 1450-1500 Probably second half of the fifteenth century | Liturgical miscellany Antiphonary, polyphonic lessons, Benedicamus, cantiones | 0 |
26 | A-Wn 4702 | Austria | Wien, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek | Text miscellany Paper | 1390-1410 Explicits: scribe Erhardus, 1398 (84v), scribe Georgius, 1400 (36r) | Text miscellany Theological miscellany containing a section with notated music (fol. 87-95) | 0 |
59 | B-Br IV 421 Tongeren Manuscript | Belgium | Bruxelles, Bibliothèque royale de Belgique | Liturgical miscellany Paper | 1400-1499 | Liturgical miscellany | 0 |
34 | CH-BM Cant Beromünster Cantatorium | Switzerland | Beromünster, Musikbibliothek des Kollegiatstiftes St. Michael | Cantatorium Parchment | 1250-1325 Additions from the beginning of the 14th century | Cantatorium Cantatorium with additions | 5 |
51 | CH-Bu AN II 46 Cantionale Thomas Kress | Switzerland | Basel, Universitätsbibliothek | Cantionale Paper | 1500-1525 | Cantionale Collection of liturgical music, mostly with musical notation | 0 |
50 | CH-Bu B XI 8 Basler Liederhandschrift | Switzerland | Basel, Universitätsbibliothek | Cantionale Parchment | 1290-1310 Meyer-Burckhardt: um 1400, later suggestions: c. 1300. | Cantionale A collection of German and Latin songs, mostly text-only records | 0 |
92 | CZ-CHRm 12580 Chrudimský graduál z roku 1530 | Czech Republic | Chrudim, Regionální muzeum | Gradual Parchment | 1520-1549 Dat. on fol. 2r: "NT 1530 anno laurenti"; further additions dated 1549 | Gradual Graduale with a collection of mainly Latin-texted songs | 13 |
18 | CZ-HKm Hr-6 Codex Franus, Franus Cantionale, Kancionál Franusův | Czech Republic | Hradec Králové, Muzeum Východních Čech | Gradual Parchment | 1500-1510 Dating 1505 on fol. 1v | Gradual | 53 |
120 | CZ-HKm Hr-7 Codex Speciálník | Czech Republic | Hradec Králové, Muzeum Východních Čech | Collection of polyphony Paper | 1480-1500 | Collection of polyphony | 0 |
36 | CZ-KLm 403 Klatovský graduál; Gradual from Klatovy | Czech Republic | Klatovy, Vlastivědné muzeum Dr. Hostaše | Gradual Paper | 1530-1537 Colophone on 545v | Gradual Latin Graduale with a song section (f. 439–545) | 17 |
90 | CZ-KOLrm 80/88 Kolínský kancionál | Czech Republic | Kolín, Regionální muzeum | Cantionale Paper | 1500-1517 Dat. 30. 10. 1517 (fol. 79v) | Cantionale | 0 |
37 | CZ-KUčms 88-85 | Czech Republic | Kutná Hora, České muzeum stříbra | Gradual Paper | 1480-1530 End of the 15th century, beginning of the 16th century. | Gradual | 0 |
58 | CZ-LIT 1 Tzv. Roudnický sborník | Czech Republic | Litoměřice, Státní oblastní archiv, sbírka rukopisů | Text miscellany Paper | 1460-1480 1470s, according to the dating of most non-musical items | Text miscellany Text manuscript with a section containing texts of songs, one song notated with ... | 0 |