ID | Title ![]() | Country | Library | Type and Material | Dating of song records | Details | Records |
9 | PL-Kd XV 18 | Poland | Kraków, Biblioteka Studium OO. Dominikanów | Gradual Paper | 1450-1475 | Gradual Gradual with a collection of Latin songs in first two gatherings (fol. 1-21) | 0 |
46 | PL-Kj 2464 | Poland | Kraków, Biblioteka Jagiellońska | Text miscellany Paper | 1420-1430 | Text miscellany Commentary on Donatus, Grammatica, and on Laurea Sanctorum of Hugh of Trimberg. ... | 0 |
80 | PL-Kj 554 | Poland | Kraków, Biblioteka Jagiellońska | Text miscellany Paper | 1450-1500 Dating of the notated content c. second half of the 15th century | Text miscellany Theological miscellany containing one song on the last folio | 1 |
81 | PL-Pu 7022 The Lviv Fragments | Poland | Poznań, Biblioteka Uniwersytecka | Uncertain Paper | 1480-1500 | Uncertain | 0 |
24 | PL-WRk 58 Neumarkter Cantionale | Poland | Wrocław, Archiwum Archidiecezjalne i Biblioteka Kapitulna | Liturgical miscellany Paper | 1474-1484 Cf. 54r: 1474, 102v: 1484 | Liturgical miscellany | 0 |
8 | PL-WRu I Q 466 Sborník Mikuláše z Kožlí, Manuscript of Nicolaus Cosel | Poland | Wrocław, Biblioteka Uniwersytecka | Personal miscellany Paper | 1410-1430 | Personal miscellany Text miscellany with song texts written throughout the manuscript | 0 |
82 | RUS-SPsc 955,2,49 Olim Halberstadt, Domgymnasium, M 86; Liebfrauenstift LXVI | Russia | Российская национальная библиотека | Text miscellany Paper | 0-0 | Text miscellany | 0 |
53 | S-L MH 14 Liber scole virginis | Sweden | Lund, Universitetsbiblioteket | Liturgical miscellany Mixed | 1380-1500 | Liturgical miscellany Liturgical notated miscellany | 0 |
85 | Schöntaler Cantionale | Germany | Jagsthausen, Archiv der Freiherren von Berlichingen | Liturgical miscellany Paper | 1470-1480 | Liturgical miscellany Collection of Lamentations, Lessons, Latin and German songs | 0 |
86 | SK-BRa EL 5 | Slovakia | Bratislava, Štátny archív | Text miscellany Paper | 1390-1420 Dated 1398 on fol. 193vb; The only song on the same folio with a letter dated 1400 | Text miscellany Text of one song at the end of manuscript containing Buridan's Quaestiones | 1 |
10 | V-CVbav Lat. 1122 I-Rvat 1122 | Vatican City State | Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana | Text miscellany Parchment | 1376-1400 | Text miscellany Collection of Jan Jenštejns writings | 0 |