Slovakia, Bratislava, Štátny archív, Zbierka písomností cirkevnej proveniencie, EL 5, č. šk. 20.


Ms./Print: Manuscript
Material: Paper
Type of source: Text miscellany
Comments to type of source: Text of one song at the end of manuscript containing Buridan's Quaestiones
Language(s): Latin

Integrity of source: Complete

Dating – Century: 14th century
Dating of hymnological contents: 1390 - 1420
Comments to dating: Dated 1398 on fol. 193vb; The only song on the same folio with a letter dated 1400

Provenance – Region: South German
Provenance – Place: Vienna
Provenance – Institution: University
Comments to provenance: Manuscript written by a Viennese student in 1398, then owned by Georgius Tielesch de Posonio (= Pozsony, Pressburg, Bratislava).
Confession: 1


Július Sopko, Stredoveké latinské kódexy v slovenských knižniciach = Codices Latini Medii Aevi Bibliothecarum Slovaciae, Stredoveké kódexy slovenskej proveniencie, 1 (Martin, 1981), 54–56.


ID Fol. Title Use Status Text Melody
374196vSalve regina glorie emundatrix
Salve regina gloriae emundatrix
Cantus genre: Cn
Cantus Feast: De BMV, In tempore Adventus
Integrity of record: Complete
Extent of text: Nearly complete
Extent of notation: None (text-only)
Salve regina gloriae emundatrixSalve regina gloriae emundatrix (CZ-Pn XII F 14)

Author of this item: Jan Ciglbauer
Acknowledgement: Gisela Kornrumpf