CZ-Pak M 1

Czech Republic, Praha, Archiv Pražského hradu, Metropolitní kapitula, M 1, M. I.


Ms./Print: Manuscript
Material: Paper
Type of source: Text miscellany
Comments to type of source: Medical miscellany with the text of Ihesu Christe styedry knyezye on fol. 12r
Language(s): Czech, Latin

Integrity of source: Complete

Dating – Century: 15th century
Dating of hymnological contents: 1400 - 1420
Comments to dating: Podlaha: "first half of the 15th century"

Provenance – Region: Bohemian
Provenance – Place: Praha
Provenance – Institution: University


Antonín Podlaha, Soupis rukopisů Knihovny Metropolitní kapitoly pražské, ii: F–P (Praha, 1922), 258–259, no. 1354.


ID Fol. Title Use Status Text Melody
50112rIhesu Christe styedry knyezye
Jezu Kriste štědrý kněže
Cantus genre: Cn
Cantus Feast:
Integrity of record: Complete
Extent of text: Complete
Extent of notation: None (text-only)
Jezu Kriste ščědrý kněžeJezu Kriste ščedrý kněže

Author of this item: Jan Ciglbauer