Source: CZ-HKm Hr-6 109v–110r
State of preservation
Physical integrity of record: Complete
Extent of text: Complete
Extent of musical notation: Fully notated
Corrections: Yes
Type of corrections: Addition of accidentals
<V.> Ave benedicta Maria
Iesu Christi mater et filia
flos pudoris
fons dulcoris
dos amoris.
<Tp.> O Maria celi via
virgo candens lilium
stella maris appellaris
ora tuum filium.
Sydus splendoris
mater salvatoris
<Tp.> Tu dignare deprecare
virgo mater filium
ne demergat sed abstergat
labem prorsus criminum.
O Maria omnium plena gracia.
Cantus genre: AlV
Cantus feast: De BMV
Comments to function: Liturgical use not indicated in MS
Music notation
Type of notation: Staff notation
Style of notation: Rhombica
Rhythm: Additional stems within chant notation, Double puncta at the end of phrases within chant notation
Comments to notation: Rhythmized parts in red.
Number of parts: 1
Mode: F
Form: Through-comp./Seq.
Number of strophes: 2
Author of this item: Jan Ciglbauer