ID | Title | Country | Library | Type and Material | Dating of song records | Details | Records |
1 | CZ-Pak A 57.1 Codex Ostroviensis | Czech Republic | Praha, Archiv Pražského hradu, Metropolitní kapitula | Liturgical miscellany Parchment | 1250-1300 Beginning of the 13th century (Patera/Podlaha); conducti and the Czech song added later, probably at the end of the 13th century | Liturgical miscellany Psalter, hymnarius, and orationale | 0 |
2 | CZ-Pu VII G 17 d Breviarium particulare Cunegundis abbatissae | Czech Republic | Praha, Národní knihovna České republiky | Breviary | 1300-1320 | Breviary | 0 |
3 | CZ-Pu III D 17 | Czech Republic | Praha, Národní knihovna České republiky | Textual miscellany Paper | 1390-1397 Dated according to the explicit on fol. 19rb: 1397. | Textual miscellany | 0 |
4 | D-Mu Cim. 100 Moosburger Graduale | Germany | München, Universitätsbibliothek | Gradual Parchment | 1354-1360 | Gradual | 0 |
5 | D-LÜh theol. lat. 2° 16 Troparium from Lübeck | Germany | Lübeck, Bibliothek der Hansestadt | Troper Parchment | 1440-1470 Main corpus c. 1440, additions from c. 1460 and later | Troper Collection of Latin tropes and songs | 0 |
6 | CZ-Pu I G 39 | Czech Republic | Praha, Národní knihovna České republiky | Textual miscellany Paper | 1425-1430 Gatherings 1–8 (Fols. 1–79): 1386 – c. 1410; gatherings 9–12 (Fol. 80–119): c. 1425–30 | Textual miscellany Theological miscellany with one gathering containing texts of songs and sequence... | 10 |
7 | CZ-Pu V H 11 | Czech Republic | Praha, Národní knihovna České republiky | Liturgical miscellany Paper | 1380-1400 Around 1380, written probably over several years up to 1400 | Liturgical miscellany Collection of Latin songs, lamentations, prefaces, tropes, and selected Mass Ord... | 3 |
8 | PL-WRu I Q 466 Sborník Mikuláše z Kožlí, Manuscript of Nicolaus Cosel | Poland | Wrocław, Biblioteka Uniwersytecka | Personal miscellany Paper | 1410-1430 | Personal miscellany Text miscellany with song texts written throughout the manuscript | 0 |
9 | PL-Kd XV 18 | Poland | Kraków, Biblioteka Studium OO. Dominikanów | Gradual Paper | 1450-1475 | Gradual Gradual with a collection of Latin songs in first two gatherings (fol. 1-21) | 0 |
10 | V-CVbav Lat. 1122 I-Rvat 1122 | Vatican City State | Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana | Textual miscellany Parchment | 1376-1400 | Textual miscellany Collection of Jan Jenštejns writings | 0 |
11 | D-W 30.9.2 Aug. 4° | Germany | Wolfenbüttel, Herzog August Bibliothek | Textual miscellany Paper | 1420-1450 Fol. 69: "Finitus est iste liber in octava pasche Georgii" = 1419, 1430, or 1441 | Textual miscellany Text codex with musical section attached at the end of manuscript | 35 |
12 | CZ-Pn II C 7 Jistebnický kancionál; Jistebnice Cantional | Czech Republic | Praha, Knihovna Národního muzea | Gradual Paper | 1420-1430 | Gradual | 0 |
13 | CZ-Pa Vyš 376 Vyšehradský rukopis | Czech Republic | Praha, Národní archiv, fond Vyšehradská kapitula | Liturgical miscellany Paper | 1455-1480 Main paper dated "End of the 1450s until c. 1470", later additions around 1480 | Liturgical miscellany | 157 |
14 | CZ-Pu XIV G 17 | Czech Republic | Praha, Národní knihovna České republiky | Textual miscellany Paper | 1360-1400 2nd half of the 14th century; cf. 187v: 1377 | Textual miscellany Textual miscellany with two inserted gatherings containing music with notation (... | 8 |
15 | CZ-OP RC 19 | Czech Republic | Opava, Slezské zemské muzeum, Knihovna | Psalter Parchment | 1380-1410 Fol. 1 c. 1400, the psalter 14th century | Psalter One parchment folio from c. 1400, with O Maria mater Christi and a fragment of l... | 1 |
16 | CZ-VB 42 Hohenfurter Liederhandschrift, Vyšebrodský zpěvník, Vyšebrodský sborník | Czech Republic | Vyšší Brod, Knihovna cisterciáckého kláštera | Processional Paper | 1410-1450 Dat. 1410, after the first half of the chant section was finished, cf. Fol. Ar; occasional additions until c. 1450 | Processional Liturgical miscellany with processional chants, Mass Ordinary, Sequences. Song c... | 62 |
17 | CZ-Pn XII F 14 Jistebnický graduál; The Jistebnice Gradual | Czech Republic | Praha, Knihovna Národního muzea | Gradual Paper | 1450-1500 | Gradual Gradual with a collection of sequences and cantiones | 69 |
18 | CZ-HKm Hr-6 Codex Franus, Franus Cantionale, Kancionál Franusův | Czech Republic | Hradec Králové, Muzeum Východních Čech | Gradual Parchment | 1500-1510 Dating 1505 on fol. 1v | Gradual | 44 |
19 | CZ-Pu XI E 2 | Czech Republic | Praha, Národní knihovna České republiky | Textual miscellany Paper | 1420-1450 Dating of paper c. 1420-1435, later additions up to c. 1450 | Textual miscellany Text codex with sections with musical notation (f. 118–159) | 0 |
20 | CZ-Pu X E 2 | Czech Republic | Praha, Národní knihovna České republiky | Cantionale Paper | 1500-1515 Truhlář, Plocek: Saec. XV/XVI; Baťová: 1515 | Cantionale | 0 |