Physical integrity
Extent of text
Extent of musical notation
Genre (Cantus)
Feast (Cantus)
Type of notation
Style of notation
Actual repository of source - Country
Dating of source - Century
Provenance of source - region
Provenance of source - place
Provenance of source - institution
Type of search


List of Records

Total 538 records
IDTitleSourceDatingFolioIntegrityNotationUse VMusical formNo. of strophes
262Viecznemu twordczi diekugicz
Věčnému tvorci děkujíc, Věčnému tvůrci děkujíc
CZ-Pn XII F 141450 - 1500215rCompleteNone (text-only)Cantus Genre: Cn
Cantus Feast: In tempore Nat.
263Gaude felix Bohemia laudes ... VitusCZ-Pn XII F 141450 - 1500215vCompletePartially notatedCantus Genre: Cn
Cantus Feast: Viti
264Gaude felix Bohemia tibi ... WenceslausCZ-Pn XII F 141450 - 1500216rCompleteNone (text-only)Cantus Genre: Cn
Cantus Feast: Wenceslai
265Resurgenti colletemur
Resurgenti collaetemur
CZ-Pn XII F 141450 - 1500216r–216vNearly completeNone (text-only)Cantus Genre: Cn
Cantus Feast: Dom. Resurrectionis, In tempore Paschae
266Deus omnipotens a morte resurgensCZ-Pn XII F 141450 - 1500216v–217rCompleteOne stanza notatedCantus Genre: Cn
Cantus Feast: Dom. Resurrectionis, In tempore Paschae
Through-comp. (strophic)8
267Rex glorie Christe pie
Rex gloriae Christe pie
CZ-Pn XII F 141450 - 1500217r–217vCompletePartially notatedCantus Genre: Cn
Cantus Feast:
Through-comp. (strophic)3
269O regina lux divina pro meCZ-Pn XII F 141450 - 1500218r–218vCompleteOne stanza notatedCantus Genre: Cn
Cantus Feast: De BMV
270Poczatku toho rodu
Počátku toho rodu
CZ-Pn XII F 141450 - 1500218v–219rCompleteNotated incipitCantus Genre: Cn
Cantus Feast: In tempore Nat.
Through-comp. (strophic)7
271Diwna milost božie
Divná milost božie, Divná milost boží
CZ-Pn XII F 141450 - 1500219r–220rCompletePartially notatedCantus Genre: Cn
Cantus Feast: In tempore Adventus, In tempore Nat.
Through-comp. (strophic)9
272FRAGMENT do nebe od tebeCZ-Pn XII F 141450 - 1500220rFragmentaryNone (text-only)Cantus Genre: Cn
Cantus Feast: De BMV
273Zdrawas naiswietiezssie kralowno
Zdrávas najsvětějšie královno, Zdrávas nejsvětější královno
CZ-Pn XII F 141450 - 1500220r–221rCompletePartially notatedCantus Genre: Cn
Cantus Feast: De BMV, In tempore Adventus, In tempore Nat.
274Zdrawas cziesarzowno wssie cznosti
Zdrávas ciesařovno všie cnosti, Zdrávas císařovno vší ctnosti
CZ-Pn XII F 141450 - 1500221r–221v, and 223rCompleteOne stanza notatedCantus Genre: Cn
Cantus Feast: De BMV, In tempore Adventus, In tempore Nat.
Through-comp. (strophic)12
275Gmeno bozie welike
Jméno božie veliké, Jméno boží veliké
CZ-Pn XII F 141450 - 1500222vFragmentaryPartially notatedCantus Genre: Cn
Cantus Feast: Nativitas Domini
276Nastal nam den weseli
Nastal nám den veselý
CZ-Pn XII F 141450 - 1500223r–223v, 222r–222vCompletePartially notatedCantus Genre: Cn
Cantus Feast: Nativitas Domini
277Patrata sunt miraculaCZ-Pn XII F 141450 - 1500224rCompleteOne stanza notatedCantus Genre: Cn
Cantus Feast: In tempore Nat., Nativitas Domini
278Stala sie gest wiecz dywna
Stala sie jest věc divná, Stala sě jest věc divná
CZ-Pn XII F 141450 - 1500224vCompleteNone (text-only)Cantus Genre: Cn
Cantus Feast: Nativitas Domini
279Virens in civitateCZ-Pn XII F 141450 - 1500225rCompleteNone (text-only)Cantus Genre: Cn
Cantus Feast: Laurentii
280Nunc clerici cantantesCZ-Pn XII F 141450 - 1500225r–225vCompleteNone (text-only)Cantus Genre: Cn
Cantus Feast: XI milium Virginum
282En positive collaudandoCZ-HKm Hr-61500 - 1510249vCompleteOne stanza notatedCantus Genre: Cn
Cantus Feast: De BMV
Through-comp. (strophic)4
283Ex Iacob sydere
Ex Iacob sidere
CZ-HKm Hr-61500 - 1510249v–250rCompleteOne stanza notatedCantus Genre: Cn
Cantus Feast: De BMV

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