Physical integrity
Extent of text
Extent of musical notation
Genre (Cantus)
Feast (Cantus)
Type of notation
Style of notation
Actual repository of source - Country
Dating of source - Century
Provenance of source - region
Provenance of source - place
Provenance of source - institution
Type of search


List of Records

Total 538 records
IDTitleSourceDatingFolioIntegrityNotationUseMusical formNo. of strophes V
438Ihesus Christus nostra salus
Iesus Christus nostra salus
CZ-Pa Vyš 3761455 - 148044r–44vCompleteNone (text-only)Cantus Genre: Cn
Cantus Feast: Corporis Christi
Through-comp. (strophic)10
471Gaude felix bohemia alleluia
Gaude felix Bohemia alleluia
CZ-Pa Vyš 3761455 - 148054v–55rCompleteNone (text-only)Cantus Genre: BD
Cantus Feast: Wenceslai
ab (strophic)10
501Ihesu Christe styedry knyezye
Jezu Kriste štědrý kněže
CZ-Pak M 11400 - 142012rCompleteNone (text-only)Cantus Genre: Cn
Cantus Feast:
Through-comp. (strophic)10
502Ihesu Christe sczedri knyeze
Jezu Kriste ščedrý kněže
CZ-Pu VIII C 111384 - 140082vCompleteNone (text-only)Cantus Genre: Cn
Cantus Feast:
Through-comp. (strophic)10
1Ave yerarchia
Ave hierarchia
CZ-VB 421410 - 1450145rCompleteOne stanza notatedCantus Genre: Cn
Cantus Feast: De BMV, In tempore Adventus
Through-comp. (strophic)11
159Plena gracia da solacia
Plena gratia da solatia
CZ-Pst DA III 171456 - 146064rCompleteOne stanza notatedCantus Genre: Cn
Cantus Feast: De BMV
203O gloriosa trinitasCZ-Pn XII F 141450 - 1500201r–201vCompleteNone (text-only)Cantus Genre: BD
Cantus Feast: De Trinitate
ab (strophic)11
213Ave yerarchia
Ave hierarchia
CZ-Pn XII F 141450 - 1500206v–207rCompletePartially notatedCantus Genre: Cn
Cantus Feast: De BMV, In tempore Adventus
288Gaude quam magnificatCZ-HKm Hr-61500 - 1510251vCompleteOne stanza notatedCantus Genre: Cn
Cantus Feast: De BMV
Through-comp. (strophic)11
296Iesu mater deicaCZ-HKm Hr-61500 - 1510254v–255rCompleteOne stanza notatedCantus Genre: Cn
Cantus Feast: De BMV, In tempore Adventus, In tempore Nat.
Through-comp. (strophic)11
367Ave yerarchia
Ave hierarchia
CZ-Pn XII A 11380 - 1480216r–216vCompleteOne stanza notatedCantus Genre: Cn
Cantus Feast: De BMV
Through-comp. (strophic)11
378Gyzt nam zyma przysla
Jižť nám zima přišla
CZ-Pa Vyš 3761455 - 14805v–6rCompleteNone (text-only)Cantus Genre:
Cantus Feast:
426Gaudeamus pariter omnesCZ-Pa Vyš 3761455 - 148039v–40rCompleteOne stanza notatedCantus Genre: Cn
Cantus Feast: De BMV, In tempore Adventus
Through-comp. (strophic)11
444Ave yerarchia
Ave hierarchia
CZ-Pa Vyš 3761455 - 148046v–47rCompleteNone (text-only)Cantus Genre: Cn
Cantus Feast: De BMV, In tempore Adventus
Through-comp. (strophic)11
505Ave yerarchia
Ave hierarchia
CZ-Pn XII A 11380 - 148030r–32vCompleteOne stanza notatedCantus Genre: Tp
Cantus Feast: De BMV, In tempore Adventus
Through-comp. (strophic)11
538Gaudeamus pariterCZ-Pa Vyš 3761455 - 148080vCompleteNotation intendedCantus Genre: Cn
Cantus Feast: In tempore Nat., Nativitas Domini
39Dorotho panno czysta
Doroto panno čistá
CZ-VB 421410 - 1450162v–163vCompleteOne stanza notatedCantus Genre: Cn
Cantus Feast: Dorotheae
153O Dorato panno czysta
Ó Doroto panno čistá
CZ-Pu III A 151390 - 1410FSCompleteNone (text-only)Cantus Genre: Cn
Cantus Feast: Dorotheae
221In hoc anni circuloCZ-Pn XII F 141450 - 1500209v–210rCompleteOne stanza notatedCantus Genre: BD
Cantus Feast: Octava Nat. Domini
Through-comp. (strophic)12
274Zdrawas cziesarzowno wssie cznosti
Zdrávas ciesařovno všie cnosti, Zdrávas císařovno vší ctnosti
CZ-Pn XII F 141450 - 1500221r–221v, and 223rCompleteOne stanza notatedCantus Genre: Cn
Cantus Feast: De BMV, In tempore Adventus, In tempore Nat.
Through-comp. (strophic)12

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