Normalized: Alleluia Ab arce siderea
State of preservation
Physical integrity of record: Complete
Extent of text: Complete
Extent of musical notation: Fully notated
Corrections: No
<V.> Ab arce syderea
gabriel intonuit
et hec verba
non superba
sed mire fragrancia
mox intravit
lux divina
quomodo fiet istud
<Tp.> Ait illa sum ancilla
puella humilima
Fiant ita que sunt dicta
per verba angelica
Amen dicat mente leta
plebs corpore cristi lota
ut sit semper sine nota
<Tp.> Ut ancille mandat ille
de superna curia
Fies parens licet carens
coniugali copula
Ex conceptu virgine
appropinquat redencio
nobis ita detur vita
peripsius suffragia
Verse structure: 8787
Verse structure: 8787
Rhyme structure: aaaa
Musical structure: abab'
Use in liturgy: Yes
Cantus genre: AlV
Cantus feast: De BMV
Comments to function: Liturgical destination not specified in this source
Music notation
Type of notation: Staff notation
Style of notation: Rhombica
Rhythm: Additional stems within chant notation
Number of parts: 1
Mode: F
Form: Through-comp./Seq.
Number of strophes: 1
Comments to form: Two pairs of parallel lines
Author of this item: Libor Skokan