Elizabeth pregrata

Normalized: Elisabeth praegratae


Source: CZ-Pa Vyš 376 54r

State of preservation

Physical integrity of record: Complete
Extent of text: Partial
Extent of musical notation: None (text-only)
Corrections: No


<V.> Elizabeth pregrat<e>
vocis amenitate
eam collaudemus

W. A primeva etate
morum varietate
festa celebremus

<R°> [om.]

W. Sub veste preciosa
matrona speciosa
tulit cilicium

W. Es fidei zelatrix
pauperum consolatrix
mater fidelium

<R°> [om.]

W. De ramis regum nata
iuste vere vocata
dei saturitas

W. Vere sidus preclarum
a sole differs parum
luna lucidius

<R°> [om.]

Verse structure: 776 776
Verse structure: 776 776
Rhyme structure: AAB AAB


Rubric: Canitur sicut Felici peccatrici
Cantus genre: Cn
Cantus feast: Elisabeth Hung.
Comments to function: Liturgical destination not specified here; Elisabeth Hung.

Music notation

Type of notation: None (Text-only)

Form: AAB
Number of strophes: 3
Comments to form: Repeticio not recorded

Author of this item: Jan Ciglbauer