Candor claritatis eterne

Normalized: Candor claritatis aeternae


Source: CZ-Pa Vyš 376 52r–52v

State of preservation

Physical integrity of record: Complete
Extent of text: Nearly complete
Extent of musical notation: None (text-only)
Corrections: Yes
Type of corrections: Addition(s) of further lines or stanzas


<V.> Candor claritatis eterne
consodales nos sempiterne
facit glorie

R° Horum nos primatem
decet extollere
Michaelem hostem calcantem
mortis tempore

R° Michael te rogamus
per te ut evadamus yma

W. Angelorum festa sacrata
agimus qui mente parata
fratres hodie

R° Demones tu fugare
velis vi inpugnare summa

W. Superbum draconem vicisti
a supernis quem proiecisti
victor optime

W. Angelus qui pacis vocaris
precamur ut nos tuearis
in sanctissime


W. Cherubin tu penetrasti
legiones sathan fugasti
arce propria

<V.> [om.]

R° ut supra

[m. post]
{W. Fortitudo dei raphael
subveni nobis monstrando el
in auxilium

W. Uriel qui ignis diceris
uranum succende miseris

R° ut supra}

Verse structure: 995 995 6695 7979
Verse structure: 995 995 6695 7979
Rhyme structure: AAB CCB DEDE FGEG


Rubric: Sancti Michaelis
Cantus genre: Cn
Cantus feast: Michaelis
Comments to function: Liturgical destination not specified here; Michaelis, angelorum

Music notation

Type of notation: None (Text-only)

Form: AABR
Number of strophes: 4
Comments to form: Stanza 3 lacks its second "versus"

Author of this item: Jan Ciglbauer