Od smrti otecz nebeski

Normalized: Od smrti otec nebeský


Source: CZ-Pa Vyš 376 49v

State of preservation

Physical integrity of record: Complete
Extent of text: Complete
Extent of musical notation: Partially notated
Corrections: No


<W.> Od smrti otecz nebeski
iakzto lew welmi udatny
silnie rzewa wzkrziessil syna

<W.> Spowstan ma chwala gedinka
genz gsi trpiel za czlowieka
aby ho zprostil od pekla

R° Zwucznim hlasem sezpiewagme
bohu otczi chwalu wzdayme
y geho synu milemu
y duchu swatemu
sezpiewagicz alleluia

<W.> Na krzizi genz bil umrtwen
ten ziw gsa ukazal sie swatym tiem
genz gsu bili w temnostech

<W.> Tu maria magdalena
radost naiprwni przinesla
petrowi a ginym zwiestowala
ginim zwiestowala

R° Zwucznim hlasem ut supra

Verse structure: 888 888 88878
Verse structure: 888 888 88878
Rhyme structure: AaB CCb DDEEb


Cantus genre: Cn
Cantus feast: Dom. Resurrectionis, In tempore Paschae
Comments to function: Liturgical destination not specified here

Music notation

Type of notation: Staff notation
Style of notation: Black mensural
Rhythm: Mensural notation, Single and double puncta within chant notation

Number of parts: 1

Mode: D

Form: AAB
Number of strophes: 2

Author of this item: Sára Valová