Felici peccatrici


Source: CZ-Pa Vyš 376 48v, 50r

State of preservation

Physical integrity of record: Complete
Extent of text: Complete
Extent of musical notation: None (text-only)
Corrections: Yes
Type of corrections: Revisions of text by later users


<V.> Felici peccatrici
Christique amatrici
post carnis scrupulum

R° O peccatorum spes
Exemplar desperatis
magdalena gratis
a deo facta es

W. decent symphonizare
quam meruit beare
amoris calculum

W. Marsilie appostola
evolvens hostis iacula
tu cum sodalibus

W. ex hinc post statum gracie
assumens locum glorie
regnans in ethere
apta celestibus [m. post.]

<R° O peccatorum spes>

W. Phariseus dum spernit
te deus mire cernit
mundans a vicio

W. Te Lucas peccatricem
sed ego amatricem
virtutum iudico

<R° O peccatorum spes>

W. Cristicole nos lasse
precamur sed non casse
roges pro venia

W. Ut tua per suffragia
relaxentur vicia
benedicamus domino

<R° O peccatorum spes>

Verse structure: 776 776 6766
Verse structure: 776 776 6766
Rhyme structure: AAB CCB DEED


Cantus genre: BD
Cantus feast: Mariae Magdalenae
Comments to function: Liturgical destination not specified here

Music notation

Type of notation: None (Text-only)

Form: AAB
Number of strophes: 4
Comments to form: Repeticio is used as refrain

Author of this item: Jan Ciglbauer