Source: CZ-Pa Vyš 376 47v–48r
State of preservation
Physical integrity of record: Complete
Extent of text: Nearly complete
Extent of musical notation: One stanza notated
Corrections: Yes
Type of corrections: Correction(s) of section marks, Revisions of melody by later users
<V.> Imperatrix gloriosa
plena laudum titulis
W. potens et imperiosa
canticis angelicis
<R°> Iure commendaris
mater et regina
nato non gravaris
tuo nos consigna
Christi mater deo digna
W. Rosa vera sine spina
castitatis lilium
<V.> [om.]
W. [R°] Respice quod posco
mater dei veri
me peccasse nosco
miserere mei
consolatrix sancte spei
W. O dilecta preelecta
fer solamen miseris
W. Castitate es electa
imple quod desidero
R° Revoca errantem
ad viam veritatis
ad te proclamantem
gemma castitatis
templum sancte trinitatis
Verse structure: 87 87 66668
Verse structure: 87 87 66668
Rhyme structure: AB AB CDCDD
Musical structure: ab ab cdefb
Use in liturgy: Yes
Cantus genre: Cn
Cantus feast: De BMV
Comments to function: Liturgical destination not specified here
Music notation
Type of notation: Staff notation
Style of notation: Black mensural
Rhythm: Mensural notation
Comments to notation: Clefs added by later users
Number of parts: 1
Mode: E
Form: aaba
Number of strophes: 3
Author of this item: Jan Ciglbauer