Gaude regina glorie que polos

Normalized: Gaude regina gloriae quae polos


Source: CZ-Pn XII A 1 215r

State of preservation

Physical integrity of record: Complete
Extent of text: Complete
Extent of musical notation: One stanza notated
Corrections: No


<V.> Gaude regina glorie
que polos transis hodie
preagmine celestium.

Versus Gaude quod tua facies
illustrat celi acies
ut mundum sol ex radio.

R° Gaude cui obediunt
et revereri siciunt
te angeli obsequio.

V. Gaude quod tota trinitas
et velle tui unitas
sunt unum in arbitrio.

V. Gaude deo vicinior
secum in posse pocior
in summo sedens solio.

<R° Gaude cui obediunt>

V. Gaude quod sanctos superas
in hoc quod Cristo imperas
tu potens mater filio.

V. Gaude quod tui servuli
post finem huius seculi
quo vis fruantur premio.

R° Et nos de tali gaudio
accensi zelo nimio
benedicamus domino.

Rhyme structure: AAB CCD EED
Musical structure: abc abc dbc


Use in liturgy: Yes
Cantus genre: BD
Cantus feast: De BMV
Comments to function: Liturgical function not specified in this source.

Music notation

Type of notation: Staff notation
Style of notation: Black mensural
Rhythm: Mensural notation

Number of parts: 1

Mode: E

Form: AAB
Number of strophes: 3

Author of this item: Libor Skokan