Sol de stella oritur


Source: CZ-Pn XII F 14 210r–210v

State of preservation

Physical integrity of record: Complete
Extent of text: Complete
Extent of musical notation: One stanza notated
Corrections: Yes
Type of corrections: Correction(s) of words by the same scribe


<V.> Sol de stella oritur
mundus gratulatur.

V. Princeps mundi tollitur
infernus tristatur.

R° Angeli dant gloriam
in excelsis deo
Christi per victoriam
fit gaudium reo.

R° Nam tulit angariam
ab homine reo
delens culpam variam
triumphat ut leo.

V. Quidquid nobis intulit
et a morte s<ewa>
Adam nec non Ewa

V. Kristus totum detulit
et a morte seva

R° abstulit ut ab ore
severi leonis
nos et a mansione
die Babilonis.


Cantus genre: Cn
Cantus feast: In tempore Adventus, In tempore Nat.
Comments to function: Liturgical function not indicated in the source; attribution based on text

Music notation

Type of notation: Staff notation
Style of notation: Black mensural
Rhythm: Mensural notation

Number of parts: 1

Form: AABR
Number of strophes: 2

Author of this item: Libor Skokan