Felici peccatrici

Normalized: Felici peccatrici


Source: CZ-Pn XII F 14 198r–198v

State of preservation

Physical integrity of record: Complete
Extent of text: Complete
Extent of musical notation: Partially notated
Corrections: No


<V.> Felici peccatrici
Christique amatrici
post carnis scrupulum

<V.> exemplar desperatis
Magdalena gratis
a deo facta est.

R° O peccatorum spes
decet symphonisare
que meruit beare
amoris calculum.

<V.> Marsilie apostola
evolvens hostis iacula
tu cum sodalibus

<V.> ex hinc post statum gracie
assumens locum glorie
regnans in hetere.

<R° O peccatorum spes>

<V.> Phariseus dum spernit
te deus mire cernit
mundans a vicio.

<V.> Te Lucas peccatricem sed ego amatricem
virtutum iudico.

<R° O peccatorum spes>

<V.> Kristicole non lasse
precamur ut non casse
roges pro venia

<V.> ut tua per suffragia
relaxentur vicia
benedicamus domino.

<R° O peccatorum spes>


Cantus genre: BD
Cantus feast: Mariae Magdalenae
Comments to function: Maria Magdalena

Music notation

Type of notation: Staff notation
Style of notation: Rhombica
Rhythm: Chant notation (Text-based rhythm)

Number of parts: 1

Form: AAB
Number of strophes: 4

Author of this item: Libor Skokan