Physical integrity
Extent of text
Extent of musical notation
Genre (Cantus)
Feast (Cantus)
Type of notation
Style of notation
Actual repository of source - Country
Dating of source - Century
Provenance of source - region
Provenance of source - place
Provenance of source - institution
Type of search


List of Records

Total 538 records
IDTitleSourceDatingFolioIntegrity VNotationUseMusical formNo. of strophes
503Gesukriste sstyedry knyezie
Jezu Kriste štědrý kněže
CZ-Pn XVI C 31420 - 1440Front flyleaf, versoCompleteNone (text-only)Cantus Genre:
Cantus Feast: Dom. Pentecostes
Through-comp. (strophic)16
504Otcze bozye wssemohuczy
Otče bože všemohúcí
CZ-Pn XVI C 31420 - 1440Front flyleaf, versoCompleteNone (text-only)Cantus Genre: Cn
Cantus Feast: Corporis Christi
Through-comp. (strophic)9
505Ave yerarchia
Ave hierarchia
CZ-Pn XII A 11380 - 148030r–32vCompleteOne stanza notatedCantus Genre: Tp
Cantus Feast: De BMV, In tempore Adventus
Through-comp. (strophic)11
506Surexit Christus hodie
Surrexit Christus hodie
CZ-Pa Vyš 3761455 - 148060vCompleteNone (text-only)Cantus Genre: BD
Cantus Feast: Dom. Resurrectionis
ab (strophic)8
507O princeps apostoliceCZ-Pa Vyš 3761455 - 148060v–61rCompleteNone (text-only)Cantus Genre: BD
Cantus Feast: Petri
ab (strophic)7
508Swatich nedotikagicz
Svatých nedotýkajíc
CZ-Pa Vyš 3761455 - 148061rCompleteNotation intendedCantus Genre:
Cantus Feast: Martini
509Iohannes postquam senuit
Ioannes postquam senuit
CZ-Pa Vyš 3761455 - 148061vCompleteFully notatedCantus Genre: BD
Cantus Feast: Johannis Baptistae, Johannis Evangelistae
ab (strophic)4
510Swateho martyna wsselika rodyna
Svatého Martina všeliká rodina
CZ-Pa Vyš 3761455 - 148062rCompleteNone (text-only)Cantus Genre: Cn
Cantus Feast: Martini
511More festi querimus
More festi quaerimus
CZ-Pa Vyš 3761455 - 148062rCompletePartially notatedCantus Genre: Cn
Cantus Feast: Martini
ab (strophic)2
512Vile tangit presepium
Vile tangit praesepium
CZ-Pa Vyš 3761455 - 148062vCompleteOne stanza notatedCantus Genre: BD
Cantus Feast: In tempore Nat.
ab (strophic)6
513Vile tangit presepium
Vile tangit praesepium
CZ-Pa Vyš 3761455 - 148062vCompleteFully notatedCantus Genre: Cn
Cantus Feast: In tempore Nat.
ab (strophic)1
514Solempnisemus hodie
Solemnizemus hodie
CZ-Pa Vyš 3761455 - 148064rCompleteNone (text-only)Cantus Genre: Cn
Cantus Feast:
515Nunc clerici cantantesCZ-Pa Vyš 3761455 - 148064r–64vCompleteNone (text-only)Cantus Genre: Cn
Cantus Feast: Ursulae, XI milium Virginum
516Puellule amabilis
Puellulae amabilis
CZ-Pa Vyš 3761455 - 148064vCompleteCantus Genre: Cn
Cantus Feast: Dorotheae
517Du<l>cem celi collaudemus
Ducem caeli collaudemus
CZ-Pa Vyš 3761455 - 148064vCompleteNone (text-only)Cantus Genre: Cn
Cantus Feast: Dorotheae
518Salve Dorothea gemma virgineaCZ-Pa Vyš 3761455 - 148064v–65rCompleteNone (text-only)Cantus Genre: Cn
Cantus Feast: Dorotheae
Through-comp. (strophic)12
519In laudem sancti spiritusCZ-Pa Vyš 3761455 - 148065rCompleteNone (text-only)Cantus Genre: BD
Cantus Feast: De Spiritu Sancto
ab (strophic)9
520Adest dies celebrisCZ-Pa Vyš 3761455 - 148065r, 64vCompleteNone (text-only)Cantus Genre: Cn
Cantus Feast: Mariae Magdalenae
521Nowus presul prodiit
Novus praesul prodiit
CZ-Pa Vyš 3761455 - 148065vCompleteNone (text-only)Cantus Genre: Cn
Cantus Feast: Nicolai
522Profitentes trinitatemCZ-Pa Vyš 3761455 - 148065vCompleteOne stanza notatedCantus Genre: Cn
Cantus Feast: De Trinitate

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